Monday, September 28, 2009

feedback 2


I liked how you did not simply just agree with Banach. Instead you took it to a deeper level. That shows you really put some thought into analyzing his ideas.
You asked an overall question what is true freedom? Banach's main ideas are a contradiction from each other. If is not possible for a person is understand another persons feelings or thoughts, then it is not possible for Banach to understand our feelings or thoughts. Everyone has their own thoughts that are not limited with any boundaries.
With rules and laws restricting us from doing certain things everything s more functional. As much as I like to believe I can do anything like fly or become invisible I know it just in my imagination. Because there will always be a physical limit.
This is really well written. And all your ideas are easy to understand. it simplifies Banachs ideas, and brings up new points. What about the constant point Banach brings up about absolute individual? Do we have the free do really be an absolute individual?

this has a great ending point too. You did done good! :P keep it up.

Once again your blog was really great. I always enjoy reading it. You bring up points that I would never come up with and you go in detail when explaining them. You ask if Banach considers himself to be free? I would like to know the answer to that. While we are inclined to be free we hold ourselves back and allow ourselves to be influenced by the outside world. No matter the circumstances it is under our control how we act and perceive things, “Learning to control our perspective view will allow us to take value and knowledge from what might otherwise be horrible”

It’s an easy change to notice when people act differently around different people. I know I do it. And I do because I feel the need to meet their expectations. I understand what your saying. By using metaphors and examples to further prove your point allowed me to get a better understand. It would be interesting to hear you included some more personal thoughts and experiences. Because I feel like you have more to say, so I can’t wait to keep reading! ☺


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