Gavin, Vin, (Ill come up with a cool nickname)
Let me start off by saying I love the title of your blog. I love your writing style. I like the tone it sounds very personally and very much like you.
We all have similarities. We have all had related experiences. Although we cannot really feel what another person is feeling we can relate. People reflect on there own feelings to understand others. It makes sense to say we share the same emotions.
It all makes me wonder and think about why some people do the things they do? i find myself asking that question a lot. There is not a way for me to understand. I do not know what that person is thinking or how they are feeling. I know it is vague but I hope you know what I mean.
The only thing I can think of that’s worth pointing out is that there is a lot of information in Banach’s writing that could help your arguments.
I think it is interesting how you say, “Real knowing is a burden” that’s deep. Gets me thinking. It is worth trying to express how you feel to someone? If no one ever tried, how would we ever relate? :/ um
This was a really great blog. you inspired me to include certain things on my blog too (copycat) I cant wait to write more though.
P.s. i loved omars comment!
I really enjoyed reading your post. I liked how you started with the other all idea and then got more in depth with your thoughts.
I like the points you made arguing Banachs points. That everyone experiences similar feelings. So we can relate to each other, which gives us some understanding. Although in some cases when people try to be something they are not it is impossible for someone to understand them, because their feelings are an act.
After reading your blog I thought about how often people use the phrase “ I understand” I couldn’t help but think about what was brought up in Andy’s class about really understanding something. How people will keep repeating themselves until they feel you understand. Weather that means you agree with them or tell them simply repeat what they say back to them. I think people just want to feel like they are understood. Understand what I’m saying?
Although I really liked how you used music as an example, To make this stronger you could go more in depth and talk about a personal story. it helped me get my point across when I was writing.
This defiantly got me thinking. It makes me wonder how much of an understanding we have of other people. And I beginning o think about the people I think understand me the best.
This was deep. You weren’t afraid to share your own ideas and agree and disagree with Banach. ☺
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