Wednesday, September 16, 2009

HW1: absolute Freedom

I hate it when you know you have made a mistake. One that could have easily been avoided. Although I remind my self that whats done is done I still have that feeling of frustration. I know I am not the only one who makes mistakes. I believe no one is perfect.Nothing is perfect. What if it was? It is defined in the dictionary as entirely without any flaws, defects, or shortcomings. But what if everything was perfect? Its hard to imagine. I think that would make everyone the same. Which would make everything boring.

The world is a lot more interesting when everyone is different and no one is the same. It is more exciting when things are a mystery. Our individuality is what makes all of us unpredictable. Where the only one who truly understands you is yourself. "Only we feel our pains, our pleasures, our hopes, and our fears immediately, subjectively, from the inside." but does that make us alone? Its a funny thing to think about. But we all have experienced the same emotions so we do have similarities...

I will never forget my best friend when I was little. We were inseparable during those awkward years of growing up. Just as it seems to good to be true, her family planned on moving. as you can imagine I was crushed. Before she left we drew each-other notes. A note that later would be confused with trash. It just so happens my mother was cleaning and misstated our fine piece of artwork as nothing more than a scribbled piece of paper. We conceived the value of that piece of paper differently. To me it represented our friendship. In her eyes it was just an unwanted ordinary piece of loose leaf. So each one of us has our own story. We all have experienced different things and so we all view the world differently. "Each of us is trapped within our own mind, unable to feel anything but our own feelings and experiences." Meaning the way we see, hear or feel things are not the same.


  1. That last paragraph is really beautiful. Thanks for writing it.

  2. I can understand a bit better what you said in Andy's class now, Arden. Ar-dizzle. About being reluctant to share. This post was really honest, really true to who you are. It relays a sense of who you are, and it makes me think you should do more writing like this, let people see it, yknow?

    Maybe some constructive criticism would be to more thoroughly define the concept of perspective feeling.

    I like it.

  3. That post was really good, especially the last paragraph. To me though the most interesting part of the post was when you ask if being individuals and only being able to truly understand ourselves makes us alone. I think that if you completely believe Banach's idea of individualism it does.

    Banach's main point through most of the first part of the lecture is that we can really understand other only us and that we are all "stuck on our only islands of subjectivity." Now, this is true in many cases but I also believe that people can understand each other and have many of the same feelings. It is true that no two people are mentally identical but there are many things many people can share in common. Many times people go through the same expiriences and can relate and understand each other. I think that Banach is saying that we are alone and I think that is a potentially dangerous idea.

    The idea that we are all alone and cannot connect and understand others is basically saying we can not come together and unite and I think that unity is what brings change when things go wrong. People do unite because of having the same issues and feeling the same way about certain things(not everyone feels the same way but many times some people do).

    Anyway, those are just some of my thoughts of that idea. you had a really good post though and I look forward to reading future posts.
