Thursday, September 24, 2009

A puzzling thought

I don’t know where to start. Day after day I'm more perplexed. It’s hard for me to always agree with Banach, but after reading his lectures I begin to wonder. I have begun to question my self as an individual. The frustrating part is I can never come to an answer.

A Banachs idea about an “absolute individual” is that no one is the same. So it is not possible for one to understand another’s thoughts or feelings. As I see it by relating to our own experiences and common emotions we can better understand and identify another person’s feelings. We all have characteristics that distinguish us from each other. But no one person is completing different because we are all influenced by the same things. We relate by our similar ways of living and roles we use to define ourselves.

Do we have the ability to makes choices without the influence of a determining force? No matter how hard we try I don’t think so. We will always be under the influence. No one will ever be just himself or herself, a true individual. We will always be influenced by our surroundings. The world around us forms who we are and sets us up for who we are becoming. We change accordingly, “Letting other people determine what we are instead of deciding, ourselves, what we will be.” I catch myself acting differently around different people. We are goofy with a best friend, responsible with our parents, or mature at school, energetic at a football game. We play the role it takes In order to be accepted.

So we are not all that different from each other, aren’t we all posers?

1 comment:

  1. Let me start by saying this was a really good post. I think in many ways you are right that we are all very much the same. It's pretty obvious if you look at our history blog you'll see all our videos are basically the same. Not much more needs to be said. The world around us affects us. I do believe we all have difference within ourselves I find it hard to believe there is someone out there who is exactly like me because after all there is more to us then what we decide to show people. I also find it hard to believe that no one has similarities and can relate to me or my feelings. For this reason I agree with you and disagree with Banach.

    You make a good point saying that we act different around different people. This is very true. With your friends, teachers, parents whoever it may be we act different. It's very rare that we don't filter our sleves and hold back from saying certain things or doing certain things. I myself find it hard expressing who I really am with many of my friends. I think Banach says we can't relate to others because of this feeling of putting up a front and not being understood. Makes sense, until you find someone whoever it may be, your parents, a friend whoever that you are comfortable enough with to share your true self with and many times when you dot his other people open up and you have a genuine connection and a true understanding. Anyways I feel like I'm just rambling on, great post. Keep it up!

