Thursday, October 29, 2009

Stranger II

A feeling of Guilt, regret lets us know when we have done something wrong. can be found in even the samllest things in life. i strongly regret waiting until the last minute on sunday to write this. i kept reminding myself to do it, but kept getting distracted. so here i am writing to pound out some thoughtful ideas. not cool. not cool. but having a feeling of guilt kinda helps people more forward. it makes progression. making people aware of how they have an effect on a situation and to adjust so they do ot make the same mistake. in my case not waiting this long to have started writing. its an expected feeling for everyone. and along with the definitions of right and wrong we all generally follow the expected actions.

And if, (IF) i ever killed a man. unlike Mersault naturally i would feel pretty guilty. and i would strongly regret making the choice i did, as opposed to my another option. Mersault, the stranger is strange. he is different. and has trouble trying to deal with the emotions that are expected of him. in the very first line of the book Meursault shows that it simply does not matter to him that his mother has died. where most people would be emotionally beat. he does not show the slightest sign of sadness.

Mersault does not show emotion, he simply accepts things for what they are. which is sometime hard for people to do. but it explains why he does not live with any guilt, even after killing someone. He is never looking for something more or less. he is always content. In chapter 5 Mersault comments that “one life was as good as another” i think this expresses a lot about him. by saying this he implies that no ones life is more important than another.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Stranger I

He is the stranger. So detached from everything. This guy never connects with anyone else. Other people tend to annoy him. He does not seem like a very content character.

His reactions are physically and never emotionally. Which is unfortunate, almost gloomy. Things that would be important to most people have no effect on him such as his mother’s death. If his own mother does not mean anything to him, what does?

I feel like there are many people similar to the character in this book. People who chose to only show certain emotions. Some people who try and convince themselves that certain things do not matter. And in the end I do not think of them as happy people. To me it seems like their simply afraid, Maybe hiding, avoiding judgments. I don’t know, just some ideas. But it makes me think, If you never care about something, then you never have to be afraid of losing it, right?

I plan on adding more but this is all I got to say for now.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Its important!

Im not exactly thinking straight at the moment. I don’t know if I am capable of writing 400 words, so bare with me. Here goes nothing though. I spent my day in the hospital, trying to get a cure. I have a 104 fever, and my head exploding feels like a possibility. It sucks being sick. But I guess everyone gets sick; it’s a natural thing in life. I heard once "Whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you stronger" I don’t know who said that or where I got it from, but it makes sense. I think we learn from our mistakes. It seems one thing leads to another, which leads to something else. Everything happens for a reason. I defiantly do not think our lives are meaningless. Not in the least bit. Life is important!
I <3 Huckabees was a weird movie. I am not sure weather to say I like it or I didn’t. That movie had some very interesting characters, one that were ALL different. But all connected. Because like Bernard I believe that “Everything is the same, even if it’s different.” The idea of the blanket was a good way to explain that concept. We may not even realize it sometimes but people make choices that affect all of us. I think about it a lot. In an after school program I did. There was a kid names Luke, whose father worked in the world trade centers. On September 11, 2001 Luke did not get up when his alarm went off. His dad made me hurry which wasn’t enough, because Luke was still late for school. And is father was late for work. And his father missed the attack. I can’t imagine what something like that feels like. But it just goes to show that everything happens for a reason. Luke getting up late prevented his father from being in the building. These things happen everyday all the time. Therefore I don’t believe that any part of our lives is meaningless.
All the characters in I <3 Huckbees were very over the top in my opinion. I share similarities with all of them. I know we didn’t get to see a lot of this character but I think I am most like Tommy’s girlfriend. Because she has a balance I think. She accepts things for how they are. And is not persuaded to far by anyone point of view. At this point it is exactly 400 words, which was the goal. That’s all I can do for now. But when my mind is set I will come back and write more.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What's the meaning of life?

Monday, October 5, 2009

Comment to COMMENT

once again great blog post. I always enjoy reading your blog. and it always leaves me thinking.

I really like how here you included more so you ideas. as well as summarizing what Banach had to say. It explains how you fit into all of this chaos. And getting both point of veiws was very interesting.

you have some great ideas that would work well into writing your manifesto. You make a strong point when you say, "I believe human happiness cannot simply be defined in one sentence or by one person." by explaining even more in depth is great.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

iii and iV

If someone could tell you the meaning of life, would you want to know?

Well we just don’t know. We are all just clueless. We live each day never getting any answers. And we all have these CRAZY ideas that effects how we live our lives. Some people just accept it and don’t care; all they can do is live on. Other people might believe in a greater god and think the meaning of life to get to the greater place. or maybe we all create our own meaning in life.

I overheard someone once say, “What’s the point? We are all going to end up in the same place anyway.” Which in some extend is true. (In a weird way.) Life is dieing, after that is up for interpretation. This is a similar point to Banachs idea, “Our life is a series of meaningless actions culminating in death, with no possibility of external justification.” Meaning, Our life is nothing really? No matter what actions we chose to take it will always end in our death. But wouldn’t that justify us having the freedom to do whatever we want? I would like to think there is some meaning in our lives, that our existence has some kind of importance.

I agree with Banach when he notes that we are contently influenced by our surroundings. People act differently in different circumstances. We constantly play the roles we need to in order to be accepted. Sometimes weather we realize it or not. Because people are effected by what is around them. Although, “After all sources of external value have been taken away, you can find value within yourself.” So, when we eliminate all outside influences what we have left is only our own voice. In other words, the only person we have left to listen to is ourselves.

Is this essentially what we are looking for? The goal? Is that the way to happiness? Is the point of our lives to find happiness? Is that what absolute freedom is? If so, I do not think we could ever achieve it. No matter what opposition we are in, it will always hold some force of pressure on us.

Monday, September 28, 2009

feedback 2


I liked how you did not simply just agree with Banach. Instead you took it to a deeper level. That shows you really put some thought into analyzing his ideas.
You asked an overall question what is true freedom? Banach's main ideas are a contradiction from each other. If is not possible for a person is understand another persons feelings or thoughts, then it is not possible for Banach to understand our feelings or thoughts. Everyone has their own thoughts that are not limited with any boundaries.
With rules and laws restricting us from doing certain things everything s more functional. As much as I like to believe I can do anything like fly or become invisible I know it just in my imagination. Because there will always be a physical limit.
This is really well written. And all your ideas are easy to understand. it simplifies Banachs ideas, and brings up new points. What about the constant point Banach brings up about absolute individual? Do we have the free do really be an absolute individual?

this has a great ending point too. You did done good! :P keep it up.

Once again your blog was really great. I always enjoy reading it. You bring up points that I would never come up with and you go in detail when explaining them. You ask if Banach considers himself to be free? I would like to know the answer to that. While we are inclined to be free we hold ourselves back and allow ourselves to be influenced by the outside world. No matter the circumstances it is under our control how we act and perceive things, “Learning to control our perspective view will allow us to take value and knowledge from what might otherwise be horrible”

It’s an easy change to notice when people act differently around different people. I know I do it. And I do because I feel the need to meet their expectations. I understand what your saying. By using metaphors and examples to further prove your point allowed me to get a better understand. It would be interesting to hear you included some more personal thoughts and experiences. Because I feel like you have more to say, so I can’t wait to keep reading! ☺


Thursday, September 24, 2009

A puzzling thought

I don’t know where to start. Day after day I'm more perplexed. It’s hard for me to always agree with Banach, but after reading his lectures I begin to wonder. I have begun to question my self as an individual. The frustrating part is I can never come to an answer.

A Banachs idea about an “absolute individual” is that no one is the same. So it is not possible for one to understand another’s thoughts or feelings. As I see it by relating to our own experiences and common emotions we can better understand and identify another person’s feelings. We all have characteristics that distinguish us from each other. But no one person is completing different because we are all influenced by the same things. We relate by our similar ways of living and roles we use to define ourselves.

Do we have the ability to makes choices without the influence of a determining force? No matter how hard we try I don’t think so. We will always be under the influence. No one will ever be just himself or herself, a true individual. We will always be influenced by our surroundings. The world around us forms who we are and sets us up for who we are becoming. We change accordingly, “Letting other people determine what we are instead of deciding, ourselves, what we will be.” I catch myself acting differently around different people. We are goofy with a best friend, responsible with our parents, or mature at school, energetic at a football game. We play the role it takes In order to be accepted.

So we are not all that different from each other, aren’t we all posers?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Feedback :)

Gavin, Vin, (Ill come up with a cool nickname)

Let me start off by saying I love the title of your blog. I love your writing style. I like the tone it sounds very personally and very much like you.

We all have similarities. We have all had related experiences. Although we cannot really feel what another person is feeling we can relate. People reflect on there own feelings to understand others. It makes sense to say we share the same emotions.

It all makes me wonder and think about why some people do the things they do? i find myself asking that question a lot. There is not a way for me to understand. I do not know what that person is thinking or how they are feeling. I know it is vague but I hope you know what I mean.

The only thing I can think of that’s worth pointing out is that there is a lot of information in Banach’s writing that could help your arguments.

I think it is interesting how you say, “Real knowing is a burden” that’s deep. Gets me thinking. It is worth trying to express how you feel to someone? If no one ever tried, how would we ever relate? :/ um

This was a really great blog. you inspired me to include certain things on my blog too (copycat) I cant wait to write more though.


P.s. i loved omars comment!

I really enjoyed reading your post. I liked how you started with the other all idea and then got more in depth with your thoughts.

I like the points you made arguing Banachs points. That everyone experiences similar feelings. So we can relate to each other, which gives us some understanding. Although in some cases when people try to be something they are not it is impossible for someone to understand them, because their feelings are an act.

After reading your blog I thought about how often people use the phrase “ I understand” I couldn’t help but think about what was brought up in Andy’s class about really understanding something. How people will keep repeating themselves until they feel you understand. Weather that means you agree with them or tell them simply repeat what they say back to them. I think people just want to feel like they are understood. Understand what I’m saying?

Although I really liked how you used music as an example, To make this stronger you could go more in depth and talk about a personal story. it helped me get my point across when I was writing.

This defiantly got me thinking. It makes me wonder how much of an understanding we have of other people. And I beginning o think about the people I think understand me the best.

This was deep. You weren’t afraid to share your own ideas and agree and disagree with Banach. ☺


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

HW1: absolute Freedom

I hate it when you know you have made a mistake. One that could have easily been avoided. Although I remind my self that whats done is done I still have that feeling of frustration. I know I am not the only one who makes mistakes. I believe no one is perfect.Nothing is perfect. What if it was? It is defined in the dictionary as entirely without any flaws, defects, or shortcomings. But what if everything was perfect? Its hard to imagine. I think that would make everyone the same. Which would make everything boring.

The world is a lot more interesting when everyone is different and no one is the same. It is more exciting when things are a mystery. Our individuality is what makes all of us unpredictable. Where the only one who truly understands you is yourself. "Only we feel our pains, our pleasures, our hopes, and our fears immediately, subjectively, from the inside." but does that make us alone? Its a funny thing to think about. But we all have experienced the same emotions so we do have similarities...

I will never forget my best friend when I was little. We were inseparable during those awkward years of growing up. Just as it seems to good to be true, her family planned on moving. as you can imagine I was crushed. Before she left we drew each-other notes. A note that later would be confused with trash. It just so happens my mother was cleaning and misstated our fine piece of artwork as nothing more than a scribbled piece of paper. We conceived the value of that piece of paper differently. To me it represented our friendship. In her eyes it was just an unwanted ordinary piece of loose leaf. So each one of us has our own story. We all have experienced different things and so we all view the world differently. "Each of us is trapped within our own mind, unable to feel anything but our own feelings and experiences." Meaning the way we see, hear or feel things are not the same.